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Gallerie Binder "Miss America", Munich, Germany


“Andreas Binder Gallery is pleased to announce the 6th solo exhibition by Yigal Ozeri.

Yigal Ozeri has chosen to focus on the American Diner as an American icon; an institution that has its image engraved into the fabric of American life. Ozeri aesthetically captures the most appealing retro-elements from the furniture to the lighting. The chrome accessories reflect pops of neon and bold lines of vibrant colors. Vintage antique memorabilia make their way into the compositions adding a charming nostalgia of yesteryear.”

Miss America; Americana, 20 x 30 inches, oil on canvas, 2022.

Miss America; Americana, 20 x 30 inches, oil on canvas, 2022.

Yellow Sky; Americana, 54 x 80 inches, oil on canvas, 2021.(1).jpg
The Voyeur;A New York Story, 20 x 30 inches, oil on canvas, 2022.jpg
Yellow Sky Diner; Americana, 12 x 18 inches, oil on canvas, 2022.jpg
Untitled; Zuzanna, 20 x 30 inches, 2018.jpg
Untitled; 54 x 80 inches, oil on canvas, 2021.....jpg
Under the Bridge; A New York Story, 12 x 18 inches, oil on canvas, 2022.jpg
The Portal; 50 x50 inches, oil on canvas, 2022, detail.jpg
The Purple Diner; 35 x 54 inches, oil on canvas, 2022.jpg
The Pink Diner Two; Americana, 36 x 54 inches, oil on canvas, 2022.jpg
The Last Supper; A New York Story, 20 x 30 inches, oil on paper, 2022.jpg
Night Scene; A New York Story, 30 x 40 inches, oil on canvas, 2020.jpg
Have a Coke; Americana, 20 x 30 inches, oil on canvas, 2022.jpg
Jukebox; Americana, 12 x 18 inches, oil on canvas, 2022.jpg
American Cakes- Americana, 12x18 inches, oil on canvas, 2022.jpg
Katz Diner Two; Americana, 14 x 21 inches, oil on paper, 2022.jpg
Grand Ave; A New York Story, 36 x 54 inches, oil on canvas, 2022.jpg
The Empty Seat; Americana, 12x18 inches, oil on canvas, 2022.jpg
Free Brittany; A New York Story, 12 x 18 inches, oil on canvas, 2022.jpg
Empty Seat; Americana 12 x 18 inches, 2022.jpg
Construction Workers; A New York Story, 30 x 45 inches, oil on canvas, 2022.jpg
Burger Deluxe; 20 x 30 inches, oil on canvas, 2022.jpg
Burning Eyes; A New York Story; 30 x 40  inches, oil on canvas, 2022.jpg
Colonial Diner; Americana, 20 x 30 inches, oil on canvas, 2022.jpg